Pohl LogoPohl Logo

Robert-Bosch-Str. 6
DE - 50769 Köln

Tel.: + 49 (0)221 70911-0

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Dreigeteiltes Bild mit HäuserfassadenDreigeteiltes Bild mit Häuserfassaden
© Tim Hursley (left), Timothy Soar (center), Nick Ulivieri (right)


Pohl AnsprechpartnerPohl Ansprechpartner


Tel.: + 49 (0)221 70911-0



Pohl specializes in engineering and fabrication of bespoke metal panel solutions with distinctive materials and surfaces. Their forte is the creation of unique and complex metal cladding for exterior and interior applications of a building. Regardless of shape, color, or material, Pohl embrace every challenge to transform your building into a landmark that captivates and leaves a lasting impression on its viewers.

With extensive experience and expertise in the industry, Pohl collaborate with renowned architectural firms across the globe. Commitment to quality is paramount to Pohl - it ensures that every project they undertake is tailored to meet its specific needs with utmost precision.

Guiding you from the initial stages of development and design through to the final phases of manufacturing, Pohl provide comprehensive support throughout the entirety of your project. With craftsmanship and dedication to quality, Pohl transform architectural visions into reality.

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