Hotels, hostels, resorts
Where’s the Journey Headed? – Editorial Detail 3....The current issue of Detail takes a look at new beginnings. Few sectors of the economy were so battered during the corona years as the hotel industry.
Taking Stock – Editorial Detail 1/2.2023Apart from the ecological, social, and economic necessity to do so, adaptive reuse often raises unforeseen structural and detailing issues, which we address at the start of the year. We document seven selected projects energy-efficient renovations, the addition of new functions to existing buildings, the densification of inner-city areas, and conversion.
Lighting & Interiors
Light for Daily Life – Editorial Detail 10.2022Our October issue is all about light and interiors. PPAG’s school in Vienna brings daylight into deep cluster spaces to foster daily well-being.
Urban Green
The Tree, My Roommate – Editorial 7/8.2022What contribution can plants make to more sustainable, livable cities? Not just in the form of park trees and roadside greenery, but as an integral part of architecture? These questions are the focus of our July-August 2022 issue of Detail on the topic of green cities.
Simple and Affordable
Simply Affordable – Editorial 6.2022In our June issue, we document outstanding international examples of simple and affordable construction as well as the diversity of materials, structural details and building typologies.
Modular construction
Modular Construction – Editorial 5.2022In our May issue, we document outstanding international examples of modular construction as well as the diversity of materials, structural details and building typologies.
Solid construction
Built with Solid Walls – Editorial 4.2022Natural stone and perforated bricks, cast-in place concrete, and rammed earth in prefabricated elements – these are just a few of the diverse materials used in solid construction, and their use is often regionally motivated.
Solid construction
Built with Solid Walls – Editorial 4.2022Natural stone and perforated bricks, cast-in place concrete, and rammed earth in prefabricated elements – these are just a few of the diverse materials used in solid construction, and their use is often regionally motivated.
What color has architecture?
Colour and Texture – Editorial 1/2.2022We start the new year with our January-February 2022 issue on color and texture. We document current projects with color concepts that sometimes pick up muted and restrained hues and then again set bright accents in red violet or brilliant blue.
In vielen Ländern boomt das Bauen mit Holz derzeit wie noch nie. Doch die nachwachsende Ressource ist knapp geworden.