Search results for: 'klimaforum-muenchen-referenten'
Female Leader Apéro
Female Leader ApéroWe are delighted to invite you to a special highlight at the BAU 2025 trade fair in Munich: the Female Leaders Apéro @ BAU 2025.
Modular Construction: The Future of Efficient Building?
DETAIL Modular Construction Congress 2025Is serial construction a method that revolutionizes construction and focuses on both efficiency and quality? We will be exploring this question on September 18, 2025 in Stuttgart.
Exhibition at the Pinakothek der Moderne
The Olympic City of Munich – Retrospect and OutlookThe Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München [Engl.: Architecture Museum of the Technical University of Munich], which is housed in the Pinakothek der Moderne, is offering a look at Munich’s path to becoming an Olympic city.
Affordable timber construction
TUM Campus by Dietrich Untertrifaller in MunichThe TUM Campus is the most ambitious new building project in the 50-year history of the Munich Olympiapark.
glasstec 2022The International Architecture Congress „Foresight. Sustainable architecture with glass” will take place on Thursday 22 September 2022 at glasstec 2022 in Düsseldorf.
We have selected three buildings by Auer Weber for you that set exceptional accents on a large scale.
We have selected three buildings by Auer Weber for you that set exceptional accents on a large scale.
Wood as part of the circular economy, in construction, design and architecture.
This new complex by Schürmann Dettinger Architekten and Auer Weber (campus centre) is a true “educational city” on the outskirts of Munich.
The 3rd Powerskin Conference, hosted by the TU Munich, TU Darmstadt and TU Delft, will take place on 9 April 2021. This year’s guiding theme is the question whether simplicity and robustness stand in juxtaposition to good performance and efficiency, or whether these two poles are mutually complementary in the final analysis.
Bereits zum fünften Mal findet die internationale Konferenz Architecture Matters statt. Dieses Jahr vom 26.-27. März in München.
Langlebigkeit, Wiederverwertbarkeit und ein ressourcenschonender Materialeinsatz waren Themen der Veranstaltungsreihe »Die Zukunft des Bauens« am 12. September in Hamburg
Since its design of Oslo's National Opera at the latest, Snøhetta has been regarded as one of the most renowned architectural studios in the world. Now it has transformed Architekturgalerie München.
Die Fassade des ersten Verwaltungsgebäudes auf dem neuen Steuer-Campus in München erhielt eine Fassade aus Wasserstrich Backstein Klinker der Ziegelei Hebrok.
Wie weitreichend Frei Ottos ideelles Erbe für die heutige Architektengeneration sein kann, bewies Ende Juni ein denkwürdiges Fachsymposium in und um Hannover.
Die Preisverleihung des DETAIL Produktpreises 2017 fand in München statt.
Mit ihren expressionistischen Fassaden wirken die Wohntürme »Friends« wie zwei Freunde, die dem harschen Umfeld zwischen Bahnlinie und Einfallstraße trotzen.