Innovations for solar thermal energy

Visualisierung von Fassaden mit solarthermischen Jalousien und mit Streifenkollektoren sowie eine schematische Darstellung eines PVT-Moduls (v.l.) (Priedemann Facade-Lab/ Solimpeks)
Architectural design variety: Strip collector and solar thermal blind
In the project »ArKol - Development of architecturally highly integrated facade collectors with heat pipes«, the Fraunhofer ISE in Freiburg, Germany, and partners are developing two new types of facade collectors that can be integrated more flexibly into the building envelope than conventional systems. Best of all, according to the scientists the costs for the solar heat generated by the multifunctionality of the facade should be significantly lower than those of conventional solar thermal collectors. One system is based on a strip collector in which the distance and the material such as wood or plaster, the structures and the colours between the strips can all be freely chosen. The other system is a solar thermal blind that can be inserted between glass panes. Both developments use heat pipes with a dry thermal connection to the collector duct, thereby enabling the collector to have a flexible design.
Currently, the first prototype of a facade element with an integrated solar thermal blind, enabling energy flows through the facade to be optimally controlled, is under construction in the laboratory. The heat is transported from the slat to the lateral collector duct via a heat pipe. "Blinds are already often used between two glass panes where external blinds are not desired or possible. Such blinds become very warm, which increases the cooling requirement of the building. The solar thermal blind is just as flexible as a normal blind, but it also supplies heat and reduces energy input into the building interior", explains Christoph Maurer, team leader for solar thermal facades at the Fraunhofer ISE. The switchable connection to the collector duct enables the user to turn and raise the blind. In this way, the solar protection and heat gain functions can be controlled according to the position of the sun. A test sample facade element in original size is to be completed and presented at the beginning of 2019, followed by a demonstration facade that illustrates the application of several elements.
In the project »ArKol - Development of architecturally highly integrated facade collectors with heat pipes«, the Fraunhofer ISE in Freiburg, Germany, and partners are developing two new types of facade collectors that can be integrated more flexibly into the building envelope than conventional systems. Best of all, according to the scientists the costs for the solar heat generated by the multifunctionality of the facade should be significantly lower than those of conventional solar thermal collectors. One system is based on a strip collector in which the distance and the material such as wood or plaster, the structures and the colours between the strips can all be freely chosen. The other system is a solar thermal blind that can be inserted between glass panes. Both developments use heat pipes with a dry thermal connection to the collector duct, thereby enabling the collector to have a flexible design.
Currently, the first prototype of a facade element with an integrated solar thermal blind, enabling energy flows through the facade to be optimally controlled, is under construction in the laboratory. The heat is transported from the slat to the lateral collector duct via a heat pipe. "Blinds are already often used between two glass panes where external blinds are not desired or possible. Such blinds become very warm, which increases the cooling requirement of the building. The solar thermal blind is just as flexible as a normal blind, but it also supplies heat and reduces energy input into the building interior", explains Christoph Maurer, team leader for solar thermal facades at the Fraunhofer ISE. The switchable connection to the collector duct enables the user to turn and raise the blind. In this way, the solar protection and heat gain functions can be controlled according to the position of the sun. A test sample facade element in original size is to be completed and presented at the beginning of 2019, followed by a demonstration facade that illustrates the application of several elements.