DETAIL Award 2022
DETAIL Award 2022
Trendsetting architecture
Trendsetting architecture
Award Ceremony
17 November 2022, 5 pm
Digital streaming
Language: English
Jury session: 21 July 2022
Voting Readers' Award: 01 August – 30 September 2022
DETAIL Award 2022 Award Ceremony
We would like to honour and celebrate the trendsetting architecture of the winning projects of the DETAIL Award 2022 together with you at a public online award ceremony on 17 November 2022 at 5 pm.
We look forward to an evening full of innovative architecture from our award winners, with our international jury and of course with you, our guests.
DETAIL Readers' Award 2022
At the jury meeting on 21 July 2022 in Munich, the international renowned jury nominated its 15 favorites for the shortlist from among many exciting and innovative projects.
Dear readers, you can choose the winner of the DETAIL Readers' Award from the shortlist selected by the jury until 30 September.
The winning project of the DETAIL Readers' Award 2022 will be determined on the basis of a simple majority and will be announced at the award ceremony on November 17 after the conclusion of our reader voting.
We look forward to presenting the 15 shortlisted projects to you in detail - and are eager to hear your opinion!
Vote for your favorite now!
5 p.m. – ca. 7 p.m.
Welcoming and Moderation
Sandra Hofmeister, Editor in Chief DETAIL
Key Speech
Tatiana Bilbao: Architecture as a Social Care Act, Tatiana Bilbao ESTUDIO
Laudations for the Winners of the DETAIL Award 2022 for the categories:
· DETAIL Award
· DETAIL Readers´ Award
· DETAIL Award for Students and Schools of Architecture
Laudators are:
· Peter van Assche, bureau SLA
· Špela Videčnik, OFIS arhitekti
· Sandra Hofmeister, Chefredaktion DETAIL

© Boris Storz
DETAIL Award 2022
Wanted: Trendsetting architecture
In 2022, Detail has presented the DETAIL Award together with industry sponsors and conceptual partners from the political arena for the tenth time. The award was intended to honour projects that bring architecture and life in the future into perfect harmony.
Prizes were awarded to buildings that are especially characterised by well-designed, future-oriented and technically-innovative details within an outstanding overall concept. The focus of the renowned international jury of experts was on the successful synthesis of design and construction. In addition to the main prize, the jury has once again presented the DETAIL Award for Students and Schools of Architecture for a realised building project. The winner of the DETAIL Readers' Award was selected by DETAIL readers in an online vote from a shortlist chosen by the jury.
The winning projects will now be honoured at a public award ceremony on 17 November 2022.
The DETAIL Award is awarded in 3 categories
The DETAIL Award is awarded in 3 categories
The DETAIL Award was awarded for a building that is especially characterised by well-designed, future-oriented and technically-innovative details within an outstanding overall concept.
DETAIL Award for Students and Schools of Architecture
Projects realised at schools of architecture were eligible for this award. It was awarded to a building that is especially characterised by a willingness to experiment, innovative processes and technical details within an outstanding overall design. It was submitted as an entry by the supervising lecturer.
DETAIL Readers‘ Award
The DETAIL Readers' Award is awarded to DETAIL readers' favourite project as chosen in an online vote.

© Edward Beierle
Submission has taken place online from 15 March 2022 to 17 June 2022. Once the deadline for entries had been passed, the DETAIL editorial team nominated the most outstanding projects on 30 June 2022. In a second step, a renowned international jury of experts has selected the shortlist for the DETAIL Readers' Award and the winners of the DETAIL Award 2022 in Munich in July 2022. The winning projects will now be honoured at a public award ceremony on 17 November 2022.
Terms and conditions of participation
Projects of all building types and completed anywhere in the world after 01 January 2019 were eligible to compete for the DETAIL Award 2022. Construction projects for new buildings, renovations, conversions and extensions could all be submitted. Architects, civil engineers, structural engineers and lecturers at schools of architecture were eligible to participate.
Registration and fees
Once the documents have been submitted in full, the processing fee becomes due, which is paid via xing-events.com.
The processing fee for the DETAIL Award is EUR 125 for one project, EUR 185 for two projects and EUR 225 for three projects. For the DETAIL Award for Students and Architecture Schools, only one project submission is possible for a processing fee of EUR 95. Only after receipt of the processing fee is registration successfully completed.
As a thank you for your participation, you will receive 3 months of free access to our DETAIL Inspiration database. There you will find over 5,900 projects as well as constructive detail drawings. You will receive the login data by e-mail after the submission deadline. The access ends after 3 months and is not automatically renewed.
Pricemoney and honours
The winners will receive prize money totalling EUR 5,000. The jury will decide how to distribute the prize money among the individual winners and reserves the right to commend entries of particular quality. All participants will be informed of the jury's decision and the results of the Readers' Award at www.detail.de/detailaward-2022.
In addition, the award winners receive one year of free access to the database DETAIL Inspiration.
One representative from the office (office partner) of the prize-winning project will be invited to the award ceremony in Munich on 17 November 2022 and honoured there.
Awards manufactured by

Award Ceremony
17 November 2022, 5 pm
Digital streaming
Language: English
Due to the coronavirus pandemic situation, changes in the procedure and communication of the DETAIL Award 2022 may be necessary. We thank you in advance for your understanding.