Behnisch Architekten
Stefan Behnisch (*1957 in Stuttgart) studied philosophy, economics and architecture. In 1989, he established his own studio in Stuttgart, which has been operating as Behnisch Architekten since 2005. Further studios have opened in Los Angeles (1999), Boston (2006) and Munich (2008). Stefan Behnisch has taught in Portsmouth, Nancy, Austin and other cities, and has been a visiting professor at the Yale School of Architecture, the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, TU Delft, TU Munich and other institutions. In 2007, he was distinguished with the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture; in 2013 he won the Energy Performance + Architecture Award.
© Stefan Behnisch
More Stories
Waldorf School in Stuttgart by Behnisch Architekten
Behnisch Architekten have expanded the campus of the Freie Waldorfschule Uhlandshöhe by two new buildings. Their interpretation of the principles of anthroposophical architecture is site-specific and thus corresponds to contemporary needs.
Sustainable learnscapes
Behnisch Architekten Design Primary School in Munich
With the Infanteriestrasse primary school in Munich, Behnisch Architekten have transformed a former barracks into an educational ensemble consisting of a five-track school, all-day childcare facility and gymnasium.
A Bathing Landscape With Inner Courtyard: Sportbad Aquatic Centre in Friedrichshafen
In the commercial zone on the outskirts of Friedrichshafen, Behnisch Architekten have designed the Sportbad aquatic centre as an introverted bathing landscape.
Good energy: The Science and Engineering Complex at Harvard University, Boston
The new home of the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS), designed by Behnisch Architekten, is one of the first buildings on the new Harvard University campus.
With the Colours of Nature: Student Residence in Regensburg
Balconies and interior spaces in vivid green, yellow and orange characterise the building designed by Behnisch Architekten for a former barracks site.
A Fascinating Combination: Living in the Spinnereipark
On the grounds of a former cotton-spinning mill, Behnisch Architekten have realized a mixed-use residential district.
Research framework: KIT Energy Lab 2.0 by Behnisch Architects
Energy Lab 2.0 has been realised by Behnisch Architects at Campus North of the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT).
Intelligent Renovation: Karl Miller Center by Behnisch Architekten
The Karl Miller Center at Portland State University has undergone a general overhaul by Behnisch Architekten.
Just in from the Stuttgart Basin: Redevelopment of the Dorotheen Quartier
Behnisch Architekten have designed the new development of a residential and commercial area in Stuttgart’s inner city.
At the Heart of a Community: School in Ergolding
Behnisch Architekten, in collaboration with the Leinhäupl + Neuber studio, have designed a school where the hall is the centre of all activity.