DETAIL at BAU 2025
From 13 - 17 January 2025, the trade fair will open its doors again for BAU 2025. Visit the DETAIL stand at the West Entrance Stand 06 and discover great trade fair offers (reduced exhibition copies or selected single issues for only 5 Euros).
On 14 January, DETAIL and BAU 2025 will be hosting the Forum Day on the key topics of the world's leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems. Come along!
DETAIL Edition – books that inform and inspire
The various book series of DETAIL Edition range from construction manuals and monographs with construction details to the DETAIL practice books, which provide information on the realisation of specific construction tasks.
DETAIL Inspiration – Knowledge platform for Architecure
DETAIL Inspiration supports you in your search for inspiration for sophisticated designs and building solutions. The knowledge platform brings together all project documentation from DETAIL as well as additional content.
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Vorfertigung und Modulbau zählen zu den großen Hoffnungsträgern im Bauwesen: Eine bessere Termin- und Kostentreue, eine höhere Ausführungsqualität und ein schnellerer Bauablauf sind nur einige ihrer Vorteile. Die Gestaltungsfreiheit moderner Systembauweisen steht konventionellen Baumethoden praktisch in nichts nach.
Das Buch dokumentiert die aktuellen Entwicklungen im Bauen mit Raummodulen. Anhand von rund 15 Projekten aus den Bereichen Wohnen, Bildung, Gewerbe und Gesundheitswesen erläutern Architekten ihre Erfahrungen mit dem modularen Bauen.
Fotos, Grafiken und Gebäudepläne illustrieren die schrittweise Umsetzung der Entwurfsidee in die gebaute Realität. Einleitende Expertenbeiträge komplettieren das Praxishandbuch und machen es zu einem unverzichtbaren Nachschlagewerk.
Sie möchten Ihre Bibliothek erweitern und wollen ganze Reihen oder mehrere ausgewählte Titel bestellen: Sprechen Sie uns gerne an.
DETAIL magazine
Subscribe to DETAIL with selected articles on relevant topics. Find suitable issues on topics that are currently of interest to you or receive concentrated knowledge with our annual packages.
Award-Winning Projects
This December, for the 11th time since 2005, the Detail Award recognises built projects that have captivated both our international jury and our readers. Among the awards is the Students’ Award, which drew participation from 55 universities in 42 countries – spanning from China to Hungary. In this issue, we showcase the winning projects for the Detail Award 2024, including the recipient of the Students’ Award and the winner of the Readers’ Award, which received 486 out of 2,133 votes in our online poll. Notably, this year’s awards celebrate projects by architecture firms and universities across Europe – from Denmark to Spain and Switzerland.
Our December issue also turns to masonry architecture, with explorations of natural stone traditions in France’s Bouches-du- Rhône region, the Brighton College campus in southern England, and Denmark’s brick building heritage. Sandra Hofmeister
DETAIL Collection - products from DETAIL with style
Discover our DETAIL Collection with great products for your everyday life. Find gift ideas or give yourself a treat.