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Architecture Connects - aae2017
Building Works Unit: Wild Thing - Wilderness Observatory in Cesis (LV); Photo: Kaspars Kursiss
Architecture Connects will feature international experts presenting papers, films and an exhibition on forms of architectural education and research that collaborate with people in real world contexts. This includes any external collaboration that engages academics and students in learning, practice or research in order to create new knowledge. These strategies are often inter-disciplinary, innovative, and subject to the change occurring in the world around them. They are complex and closely connected to the society where they take place. Multi-disciplinary participants are welcome and the conference offers opportunities to disseminate work to a variety of audiences.
The conference will expand the communities of practice that were established by previous aae conferences at the Bartlett, University of Sheffield and University of Nottingham Trent. Lively discourse will continue around the themes of social engagement, live projects and design research. The conference is being organised in collaboration with Live Projects Network, designbuild Xchange, SEED Network, Centre for Public Interest Design, Design Corps, and db Exchange – international networks who share these interests.
By viewing architectural education as a linchpin between universities and society, the conference mission is to improve communication and contribute new knowledge that is of mutual benefit to all parties. “Architecture Connects” will explore ways to create positive dialogue and collaboration between architectural educators, students, practitioners, researchers, educational bodies, local communities and other disciplines.
The conference welcomes diverse submissions that address one or more of the following connected themes: Agility | Activism | Co-production | Creativity | Inclusion | Identity | Performance | Pedagogy | Resilience | Responsibility
The Call for Abstracts was very successful this spring with over 200 international paper abstracts. The call for work is still open for Case Studies and Films till the 3rd of July. The Case Studies will be presented as an exhibition in the conference to accompany a film screening. Early Bird Registration closes on 12 June 2017.
Please check the website for more information: https://aaeconference2017.wordpress.com/
Please check the website for more information: https://aaeconference2017.wordpress.com/